College Credit in High School
High School students in grades 10, 11 and 12 can earn college credit in high school by enrolling in college courses at ÃÛÌÒAV. High schools often refer to this as dual credit/early entry programs.
Dual Credit & Early Entry
Taking college credit while in high school encompasses the college credits students receive in high school. There are two ways to receive college credit while in high school.
Dual Credit
High School students enroll in a college course to receive both college and high school credit. These courses are usually taken at the high school or via interactive video.
Early Entry
High School students take college courses from a ÃÛÌÒAV instructor either online or on the BSC campus in addition to their high school schedule. Students only receive college credit for these courses.
This handbook provides essential guidelines and steps for high school students enrolled in the dual credit. It covers everything from applying, enrolling in courses, making payments, and understanding your academic responsibilities.
Why take college credit in high school?
- Expand academic options for college-bound high school students.
- Provide a transitional stage for students to ease into college.
- Work towards a BSC degree while in high school.
- Deliver a substantial savings for both parents and students through reduced tuition costs.
- Offer flexible learning methods including high school classroom, online, interactive video or at the BSC campus.
- Qualify for the ND Dual-Credit Tuition: ND Dual-Credit Tuition Scholarship.
- Receive the perks of being a BSC student.
- Must be a high school sophomore, junior, or senior.
- Must have at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA (Mandan requires 3.0).
- Must meet any course placement score and/or prerequisites to enroll.
- Permission from parent/legal guardian and high school designee.