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Personal Information | ÃÛÌÒAV

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Personal Information

Keep your student records current by reviewing your personal information on CampusConnection. Some personal information can be updated in CampusConnection whereas others require the submission of the appropriate form and documentation.

A student's demographic record, including date of birth, name, social security number, email, address and phone number is created and shared by all North Dakota University System Institutions within CampusConnection.
Update Name
Students may change their primary or preferred name. All name changes to payroll records must be made with the payroll office.

Preferred (Chosen) Name

You may set a preferred (chosen) name in CampusConnection in which you would like to be addressed by in class, on the class and advising rosters and in BlackBoard.
  • Chosen name is used solely for internal NDUS systems; external systems (such as hometown newspapers, official transcripts, enrollment verifications, etc.) will continue to use a student’s legal (primary) name.

Criteria: Students have the ability to update their Preferred Name (first and middle name only) via their Campus Connection Student Center

Primary Name

Name used on the academic transcript, for HR purposes and other legal documents.

Criteria: Student is required to submit a form and legal documentation. The request for change of Primary Name will also change the preferred name on the student academic record.

Primary Minor Name Change - The following is considered a minor name change:
  • An initial to a full name (G. Robert to George Robert)
  • A variation or shortened form to a full or formal name (Bill to William, Peggy to Margaret)
  • The addition of a title (Dr., Rev, III)
  • Correction of a capitalization error (Mcclintock to McClintock, barbara to Barbara)
  • Any other changes are considered a MAJOR name change! The Legal Name Change Request form will need to be completed instead. 
Steps for requesting a Minor Name Change:
  1. Submit the form
    • Sign into CampusConnection*
    • Select BSC eForms tile
    • Select Academic Records in the left menu
    • Select ""
    • Choose “Minor Name Change” from the Personal Information Selection drop down
    • Complete form accordingly 
*If you are unable to log into CampusConnection using a NDUS identifier, . This form should only be used if you do NOT have an active login for CampusConnection.

Primary Major Name Change - The following is considered a major name change:
  • Change in last name because of marriage, dissolution of marriage or adoption.
  • Replacement of a middle name with a former name.
  • Change in part or all of the name because of gender change.
  • Replacement of part or all of the name with a different or unrelated name; for instance, a change from Rob to Robert is a minor variation; a change from Robert to Peter is a major name change.
Steps for requesting a Major Name Change:
  1. Gather documents needed for Name Change
    • All name change requests must be accompanied by the corresponding legal documentation showing the change and a signed social security card matching the new name.
      • Examples of legal documentation: birth certificate, marriage certificate, government-issued identification card or driver’s license, passport, or court order.
  2. Submit the  
    • Sign into **
    • Select BSC eForms tile
    • Select Academic Records in the left menu
    • Select "Legal Name Change Request"

**If you are unable to log into CampusConnection using a NDUS identifier, click on "". Next, click on "". There you will find a Legal Name Change Request. This form should only be used if you do NOT have an active login for CampusConnection.
Update Date of Birth
In order for the BSC Financial Aid Office to receive your federal information and begin the financial aid awarding process, and for the BSC Admissions Office to be able to process your application for admission, the correct date of birth needs to be on file in CampusConnection.

To safe guard the integrity of the student record we require that students submit the proper documentation to update their Date of Birth.

Steps for updating Date of Birth:

  1. Gather needed documentation:
    • Government issued photo identification and/or birth certificate
  2. Submit the form
    • Sign into CampusConnection*
    • Select BSC eForms tile
    • Select Academic Records in the left menu
    • Select ""
    • Choose “Date of Birth” from the Personal Information Selection drop down
    • Complete form accordingly
*If you are unable to log into CampusConnection using a NDUS identifier, . This form should only be used if you do NOT have an active login for CampusConnection.
Update Social Security Number
ÃÛÌÒAV is required by law to provide the IRS and the student a 1098T tuition statement. Included on the statement is the student’s social security number for tax purposes. Providing your social security number to BSC will avoid possible penalties from the IRS.
Also, if you are completing the FAFSA application, a social security number is required on the federal application to receive your federal grants and loans. In order for BSC to receive your federal information and begin the awarding process a social security number needs to be on file.

Steps for updating an existing Social Security Number: 

  1. Gather needed documentation:
    • Government issued photo identification AND signed Social Security Card
      • Failure to submit both documents at the same time will result in the request not being processed and the documentation will not be retained.
  2. Submit the form
    • Sign into CampusConnection*
    • Select BSC eForms tile
    • Select Academic Records in the left menu
    • Select ""
    • Choose “Social Security Number” from the Personal Information Selection drop down
    • Complete form accordingly
*If you are unable to log into CampusConnection using a NDUS identifier, . This form should only be used if you do NOT have an active login for CampusConnection.
Add Social Security Number
ÃÛÌÒAV is required by law to provide the IRS and the student a 1098T tuition statement. Included on the statement is the student’s social security number for tax purposes. Providing your social security number to BSC will avoid possible penalties from the IRS.
Also, if you are completing the FAFSA application, a social security number is required on the federal application to receive your federal grants and loans. In order for BSC to receive your federal information and begin the awarding process a social security number needs to be on file.
Students who do not have a social security number on file may submit their social security number (SSN) or student identification number (ITIN) via the Taxpayer Identification Number Request form and will not be required to provide a copy of the signed social security card.

Steps for adding a Social Security Number:

These steps should only be used by students who do NOT have a social security number on file with BSC.  If a SSN is already on file, but is incorrect, see steps for submission under Update Social Security Number.
Submit the Taxpayer Identification Request
  • Sign into *
  • Select BSC eForms tile
  • Select Academic Records in the left menu
  • Select "Taxpayer Identification"

*If you are unable to log into CampusConnection to complete the Taxpayer Identification form, please follow the instructions under "Update Social Security Number".
Update Gender

Steps for updating gender:

  1. Gather needed documentation:
    • Government issued photo identification
      • In the case of a gender change, clear copies of appropriate court documents showing the previous and current name and gender will also be required.
  2. Submit the form
    • Sign into CampusConnection*
    • Select BSC eForms tile
    • Select Academic Records in the left menu
    • Select ""
    • Choose “Gender” from the Personal Information Selection drop down
    • Complete form accordingly
*If you are unable to log into CampusConnection using a NDUS identifier, . This form should only be used if you do NOT have an active login for CampusConnection.
Update Contact Information
Keep your records up-to-date so we can keep you informed about the latest news and events.

Update Contact Information:
  • Includes Address, personal email, phone number and preferred name.
Update Emergency Contact