It was love at first sound rather than first sight when Dominic Sacco and Hazel Cooley met at a house party in the student village in 2006.

Dominic said: “Hazel already knew who I was, as I was one of her housemate’s friends, but we had never properly met. I heard her before I met her. She was talking to friends in a doorway and I shouted out ‘that’s an Essex accent like mine’. Her reply came back ‘er, no, it’s a London accent, actually!’. We got chatting and hit it off, but it wasn’t until after university that we met up and became an item. She was far too focused on her studies at university for any relationship (or so she tells me)!â€

After first meeting in October 2006, the couple bumped into each other again at the 2007 Summer Ball. After chatting for most of the night, they exchanged numbers, met up after university and began dating. Dominic proposed to Hazel on a beach in Devon during a holiday and the pair married in 2014. They now have three children.