Ngọc Đặng came to AV from Vietnam to study an MSc in Finance with Risk Management, and now works as a Vice President – Director of Sales for an educational consultancy in Ho Chi Minh City.

Reflecting on her studies in the UK, Ngọc said: “I was lucky to get the chance to study in the UK and this gave me a strong background in finance, as well as opportunities to connect with people from all over the world.

“When I decided to go to the UK, I simply wanted to explore the world a bit more. It was my first time outside of Vietnam and gave me so many amazing experiences. It opened my mind to new knowledge, challenges and, of course friendships. It also led me on to what I am doing today.”

As Director of Sales for Global Citi-Zen Vietnam, Ngoc is responsible for developing new products and services and building relationships with partners all over the world.

She said: “My studies have not only supported me professionally but have also led me to get involved and give back to society. I have worked with a charity in Vietnam which helps women in business and provided scholarships for younger generations wanting to better themselves.”