The Centre aims to develop a rich seam of interdisciplinary research at the intersection of conflict, emotion, and social justice.

The Centre is an interdisciplinary research centre, working on some of the most pressing issues facing the world today. The membership spans three departments in the Faculty of Media and Communication and also includes members from the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. The work of the colleagues in the Centre encompasses the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, Politics and Law, Journalism and Media and Film research scholars and practitioners.

CESJ Showreel 2022

Our research themes


Our research addresses the study of conflict and its links to inequality in social-political, cultural, and domestic contexts. This theme addresses the UNSDGs 5 Gender Equality, 10 Reducing Inequality and 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.


We apply a range of psychological, psychoanalytic and social theories alongside the development of new affective methodologies to explore the complexities of experience in the late modern world. This theme addresses the UNSDG 3 Good Health and Well-being.

Social Justice

Our research aims to promote diverse and equal societies, addressing inequalities and experiences of marginalisation. This theme addresses the UNSDGs 5 Gender Equality, 10 Reducing Inequality and 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Our research seminars

We run monthly seminars with speakers from within and outside the university, covering a wide range of disciplines and topics. These cover the study of conflict and its links to inequality in social-political, cultural, and domestic contexts. They discuss a range of psychological, psychoanalytic and social theories alongside the development of new affective methodologies to explore the complexities of experience in the late modern world. The aims are to promote diverse and equal societies, addressing inequalities and experiences of marginalisation.

If you would like to present at our centre, please get in touch with Dr. Catalin Brylla ([email protected])

CESJ seminar series

Our Projects and Activities


PhD Supervision