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Mystic Print | ÃÛÌÒAV

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Mystic Print

Mystic Print is the printing service for BSC students. Students can print to designated printers from labs and personal computers while on the campus network.

Note: If you are using your own laptop, you need to be connected to a secure BSC wireless network (BSC-Housing-Secure or NDUS–Systemwide). Mystic Print will not work with the BSC-Guest wireless network.

Pay to Print

Mystic Print works with your Mystic ID and Mystic Dollars to pay for printing. As long as you have funds available in Mystic Dollars, you can use them to print.

New to Mystic ID?
If you have not registered your Mystic ID for Mystic Dollars,

Already registered?
If you have registered and need to check your balance or add funds,

How to Print

Printing from a lab computer
  • Click print from the application and the document will be sent to the print queue
  • Go to the local printer to pick up the print job
  • Swipe your Mystic Card or enter your NDUS credentials on the print release device
  • Select the print job, then click print
Note:  Print jobs will be held for 24 hours before deleted
Printing from a personal laptop
Students have the ability to print from a personal laptop. No additional software needs to be installed. Simply upload the file to the Mystic Print Web Print System.
  • Visit and login with your NDUS username and password
  • Click Web Print link on the left side navigation bar
  • Click Submit Job on the upper left
  • Enter the number of copies needed
  • Click Upload Documents
  • Either drag the file(s) or click Upload from Computer to select the file you would like to print
  • Click Upload and Complete
Wait until it shows Held in a queue. You can release your held print job one of two ways:
  • Go to any Mystic Print printer and use the release station by swiping your Mystic Card or NDUS credentials
  • Use the Web Print interface to release to a specific printer immediately
    • Click on the 'Held in queue' status link and select Print
    • Choose the printer you want to use
Note: Print jobs will be held for 24 hours before deleted.
Please contact the BSC Help Desk (224-5442 – Schafer Hall 129) for assistance with using Mystic Print.


Printer Locations

Health Sciences 161 - Hallway                                                                 
Jack Science Center

1st Floor –122
2nd Floor Hallway
3rd Floor Hallway
Skogen Hall – Library 100
NECE 115
Schafer Hall 305
Student Union Upper Level
Tech Center 122


Black and White $.05/page* 8.5 x 11                                       
Color N/A  
*Duplexed prints (front and back) are considered as two pages. All printers default to duplex printing. 


Can I print from my cell phone, Chromebook or tablet?
No, at this time mobile devices – cell phones, Chromebooks and tablets are not supported.
What are the different ways I can retrieve my print jobs (3 ways) at the Mystic Print printers?
  1. Swipe your Mystic ID card
  2. Enter your Student ID number
  3. NDUS username and password
Can I print in color?
You cannot use Mystic Print for color printing. If you need to print in color, the BSC Library provides this service.
Can I print different paper sizes?
Mystic Printers only print the standard paper size, 8 ½ x 11”.
Do I have to print using Mystic Dollars or can I use an alternate payment?
You must have funds in your Mystic Dollars account in order to print to Mystic Print printers.
Can I print from off campus?
You must be on campus. If you are using your own laptop, you’ll need to be connected to a secure BSC wireless connection, (bsc-housing-secure or NDUS–systemwide).
How long will my print jobs be saved?
Print jobs will be deleted from the Mystic Print queue after 24 hours.
The Mystic Print printer is out of paper, who should I contact?
Contact the Help Desk at 224-5442 or Schafer Hall room 129.
Who should I contact if I still have questions?
Contact the Help Desk at 224-5442 or Schafer Hall room 129.
What if I don’t want all the print jobs I submitted?
Print jobs will be automatically deleted after 24 hours or you can delete print jobs you don’t want to print or let them expire.
What kind of documents can I print?
Printing from computer labs will allow you to print all applications installed on the computers in the lab. When printing from your laptop, saved Microsoft applications and PDF files can be printed.
I’m a DSU or MiSu student taking classes on BSC’s campus. Can I use Mystic Print?
Mystic Print is for BSC students only. All students from different colleges can use the Library public access computers and printer.
How can I print my document single sided?
By default, all Mystic Print documents print duplexed (front and back). If you need single sided printing, use the computer lab computers and select single sided when you submit the document to print. Single sided printing will not work from your laptop.