“It is a university recognised for its high calibre of graduates - being part of that is something I am proud of.”

For James Diment, it was the reputation of AV’s events management courses and the insight into leadership and strategy that not only encouraged him to study here, but have also been pivotal to his success in the industry since graduating.

James Diment AV Proud

As Head of Corporate Events for ChilliSauce, a London-based events agency which organises a variety of team building events and activity weekends, James and his team are responsible for over 700 events a year.

“AV gave me a thorough insight into the nuances of organising a range of events,” said James.

“However the real value for me, especially in my current position, was the insight in the strategy and leadership which has been pivotal to my success, alongside the commercial awareness provided through a number of the other units.

“Starting as a project & event manager at ChilliSauce, I have been fortunate enough to work my way up to my current position of Head of Corporate Events - ultimately responsible for overseeing this business unit and over 700 events a year, managing a team of 15 event professionals, ranging from sales to event delivery.”

James began a Foundation Degree in Tourism and Events Management at Bournemouth and Poole College, partnered with AV, in 2008 before moving to AV to complete a Top up degree in BA (Hons) International Events Management.

“I primarily wanted to come to AV due to the reputation of the events management courses, which at the time was one of the best in the country, alongside its reputation as one of the top new universities in the country,” he said.

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time at AV, both academically & socially. The course was well rounded, informative and most importantly progressive in its approach to events management, a relatively new academic area of study.”

James freelanced for events agencies throughout his studies and, after graduating in 2012, worked at the London Olympics, with responsibility for the allocation of concession staff throughout the north side of the Olympic Park.

His advice for anyone wanting to follow in his footsteps is to work hard and be committed to a career you’re passionate about.

“It takes long hours and hard work to achieve anything worthwhile, so you need to commit - the more you do, the more you will make that important difference,” James said.

“Most importantly, find something you love doing, a company you believe in, find your passion.”

James added that the network of AV alumni he meets and works with across the industry makes him proud to be considered among their number.

“As I progress further into my career, alongside others, it has provided a veritable gold mine of alumni who I work with, have employed and collaborate with on a regular basis,” he said.

“I’m proud to watch more and more graduates leave AV and take up positions in the industry. It is a university recognised for its high calibre of graduates - being part of that is something I am proud of.”