Minette Batters, DL

Doctor of Science (2023)

Minette BattersMinette Batters

As President of the National Farmers’ Union, Minette Batters represents the interests of 47,000 food-producing businesses across England and Wales and is leading the campaign to achieve net zero in British agriculture by 2040.

Minette runs a tenanted family farm in Wiltshire and first became involved with the NFU as County Chair, before being elected to Deputy President, and then President in 2018.

She has since led the organisation through some of its most challenging times, as the combined effects of climate change, Brexit, the coronavirus pandemic, and war in Ukraine has put issues of food production and supply under increased pressure.

Download Minette Batters' citation (pdf 72kb)

Sam Crowe

Doctor of Science (2023)

Sam CroweSam Crowe

As Director of Public Health for Dorset, Sam Crowe led the local response to the Covid-19 pandemic, advising people and organisations, including ÃÛÌÒAV, on staying safe and minimising the spread of the virus. 

His first professional experiences of the health sector were as a journalist, reporting on healthcare programmes across Sub-Saharan Africa, including the treatment of HIV and AIDS, Malaria and TB. 

When a change in policy enabled those from non-medical backgrounds to train in public health roles in England, Sam first enrolled on a Master’s at the London School of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine, before applying to the Faculty of Public Health. Once qualified, Sam’s first health posting was in Dorset where he has continued to build his career and raise his family.

Download Sam Crowe's citation (pdf 65 kb)

Dr Jan Peters, MBE

Doctor of Engineering (2017)

Dr Jan Peters is a champion for diversity in science and engineering and campaigns to achieve inclusion in education and industry.  Her pioneering approach and propensity to challenge the status quo led to an invitation to join the Women’s Engineering Society, of which she later became President.

In 2004, Jan founded and became Managing Director of Katalytik, a consultancy dedicated to working with educators and science and engineering employers to achieve greater equality.

In 2017 she was awarded an MBE in recognition of her achievements.

 (pdf 71kb)

Dr Martin Warren, OBE

Doctor of Science (2017)

Dr Martin Warren has turned a childhood love of nature into a remarkable 40-year career in ecology and conservation, including 23 years leading the UK’s largest butterfly conservation charity.

His other career highlights include publishing over 200 scientific papers on butterfly ecology and climate change, winning the Marsh Award for Insect Conservation, being voted as a top-10 British conservationist by BBC Wildlife Magazine, and recently being awarded an OBE for services to the environment.

 (pdf 72kb)

Dr Peter Barnwell, MBE

Doctor of Science (2014)

Dr Peter Barnwell is a scientist and engineer who has founded and developed a number of innovative electronics companies.

In addition to his wide experience of industry and finance in the UK and America, he has been Dean of a Faculty in a university.

From 2005 to 2013 Peter was a member of the University Board. He was appointed MBE in 1984.

Download Dr Peter Barnwell's citation (pdf 70kb)

Anne Silk

Doctor of Science (2014)

Anne Silk was a former clinician who developed an international contact lens consultancy.

In retirement she made a second career in neuroscience and the environment, producing a wide range of research outputs and supporting innovative scientific research.

She also made history as the first woman to become Master of her City Livery Company in 1990.

Anne passed away in December 2022.

Download Anne Silk's citation (pdf 66kb)

Professor Alice Roberts

Doctor of Science (2013)

Professor Alice Roberts is an anatomist, author and broadcaster.

She is Professor of Public Engagement in Science at the University of Birmingham, and Director of Anatomy for the NHS Severn Deanery School of Surgery, but is most widely known for her TV programmes including Ice Age Giants, Prehistoric Autopsy, and Don't Die Young.

Download Professor Alice Roberts' citation (pdf 164kb)

Andrew Rennison

Doctor of Science (2012)

Andrew Rennison has held two key national roles: Forensic Science Regulator and Surveillance Camera Commissioner.

Previously, he was a Director with the Gambling Commission, following a distinguished career with the police service in which he rose to high rank.

He has given lots of encouragement to our research and teaching in forensic sciences.

Download Andrew Rennison's citation (pdf 16kb)

Bernard Dyer

Doctor of Science (2009)

Bernard Dyer was a distinguished industrial chemist who spent most of his working life at senior levels in ICI, where he led numerous major projects and was ultimately responsible for all new products.

Latterly he was a member of the Board Support Group at the company’s Millbank HQ.

In retirement he tirelessly served the British Association for the Advancement of Science, which brings scientists and industry together, and other charities.

He also greatly enriched life in Dorset as Chairman of the Poole Harbour Heritage Project and other maritime heritage bodies, and as Chairman of Dorset Life magazine.

Bernard passed away in 2013.

Download Bernard Dyer's citation (pdf 13kb)