The process of programme development and validation is managed by Educational Development and Quality. Academic Procedure 4D - Appendix 7 Framework/Programme Resource Form requires you to list the extent and availability of resources from Library and Learning Support and identify any additional resource needs.

We recommend that you contact your Faculty Librarian for assistance with identifying resources for your new course

Faculty Librarian Support

Discussion with your Faculty Librarian will cover:

  • How existing resources from Library and Learning Support may support the new programmes
  • How numbers of students on the new programme may impact access to existing resources
  • Electronic resources to support the programme
  • Costs of supporting new or expanded programmes. These will be higher where well-established collections are not already in place and will impact at each new level/year of the programme
  • The implications of innovative forms of delivery.

Preparation of documents

Documents for planning and validation will include:

  • signed by the Director of Operations and Dean to ensure that library resources are or will be in place to support new programmes
  • Indicative reading lists to accompany unit descriptions.

We recommend that you talk to your Faculty Librarian to discuss using our Aspire reading list system to compile indicative reading lists and for advice on providing electronic access to reading wherever possible.

On request, Faculty Librarians will provide a learning resources document that outlines the available resources from Library and Learning Support. This can be used while preparing the Academic Procedure 4D form and for additional information at validation events.

Validation events

  • Faculty Librarians are happy to meet validation panels and give tours of the libraries and learning spaces available (please contact your Faculty Librarian in advance to arrange a tour)
  • Experience has shown that visits provide a useful opportunity to answer concerns panel members may have about Library Resources before the main discussions
  • If resources have been highlighted as an issue then the Faculty Librarian will be pleased to join the panel during the event to answer further questions.