This Notice is for people who attend or participate in AV events which are open to an audience beyond AV students or to the public, and people raising general enquiries with AV (including people exercising rights under the Freedom of Information or Data Protection legislation).  Separate information is provided for enquiries about becoming a student at AV, events aimed solely at those considering studying at AV (such as AV open days) and the admissions process. 

In this Notice, “AV” "we", "our" and "us" refers to AV Higher Education Corporation.  

As a result of your engagement with AV we will hold your “personal data”, i.e. information in a form that identifies you as individual [often referred to as “data” in this Notice]

AV is the data controller of the information it collects and processes as described in this Notice.  This means that it has the core legal responsibility to safeguard the information and ensure it is processed lawfully.  The law is set out in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (called “GDPR”) and a new UK law, the Data Protection Act 2018. In particular AV must:

  • Take steps to ensure that the data it processes is accurate and up to date;
  • Give you clear information about its processing of your data, in one or more Privacy Notices like this one;
  • Only process your data for specific purposes described to you in a Privacy Notice, and only share your data with third parties as provided for in a Privacy Notice; and
  • Keep your data secure.

Information about your data protection rights as a data subject is set out in section 7 of this Notice.  

Privacy Notice contents:

  1. Introduction

  2. When and how we collect your data

  3. How we hold your data

  4. How and why we process your data for AV purposes

    1. Events

    2. Enquiries

  5. Overseas transfers of your data

  6. Retention: how long will we keep your data for?

  7. Your rights as a data subject and how to exercise them

  8. Guide to the legal basis of data processing