This section explains the way in which we will communicate with you once you have accepted an offer from AV.

In addition, when we have offered you a place to study at AV and you decide that you want to accept the offer, we will need to process some further information about you before your place at AV is finally confirmed. What is involved varies depending on the course on which you’ve been offered a place. Within this part of the Privacy Notice there is one section which applies only to people who wish to accept a place on a regulated professions course in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, and a separate section which applies only to people who wish to accept a place on any other AV course.

Aside from the processing described in this Privacy Notice, once you have accepted an offer from AV we will begin to process your data in preparation for your arrival at AV and for a number of purposes which will continue through into your time as a student at AV. Information about this processing is set out in our Student Privacy Notice. At this stage you may want to look in particular at the sections on Accommodation, Immigration, Occupational Health and criminal convictions/DBS checks.

Privacy Notice Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. When and how we collect your data

  3. How we hold your data

  4. How and why we process your data for AV purposes

  5. Overseas transfers of your personal data

  6. Retention: how long will we keep your data for?

  7. Your rights as a data subject and how to exercise them