“I would go to AV 1000 times in 1000 lifetimes. I will always cherish the memories, the wonderful campus, community and beautiful friends that I made during my time there.”

When Kiratsinh (Kirat) Jadeja decided he wanted to pursue a career in digital effects, there was only ever one choice for where he would study.

Kiratsinh Jadeja AV Proud

“AV's Digital Effects course is renowned worldwide,” he said. “From recruitment heads of premier studios on LinkedIn to CG Forums, everyone recommended Bournemouth.

“I still remember asking a technical director at Double Negative back in 2012 if he could recommend a good course anywhere in the world and he said he’d put Bournemouth first.

“That is when I was convinced that I had to be at AV. In fact, AV was the only university I applied to. I was truly blinded by their student reels, curriculum and alumni who are today on the forefront of the VFX industry.”

Kirat travelled from his home in Ahmedabad, India to study for an at AV in 2013 and says his time here was “some of the best days in 25 years of my life.”

“I would go to AV 1000 times in 1000 lifetimes,” he said. “I will always cherish the memories, the wonderful campus, community and beautiful friends that I made during my time there.”

 “Our educators were very supportive and always looked to nurture our talents in any way they could. They gave personal attention and advice to each and every student - which made us feel cared for.

“They believed in us, and their faith and encouragement has brought results and will continue to do so.”

That’s certainly the case for Kirat, who is now back in India working as a freelance digital compositor for companies around the world, as well as a house photographer with Getty Images.

His work has been licensed by the likes of Microsoft, Penguin Publishers, and Turkish Airlines among others.

“I utilised digital artistry skills learnt at AV to take my digital images to next level,” he said.

“AV also helped me branch out and also explore other disciplines of this craft, such as 3D applications. I developed as an all-round artist - which would not have been possible otherwise.

“We were given plenty of opportunities to blossom and find our own true style - whilst learning the essential principles. At AV, they don't teach you which software button does what. But they teach you the principles. We also learned how to organise our workflow, be disciplined and meet deadlines effectively.”

Kirat's winning image

This work and knowledge has already paid off. Just two years after graduating, Kirat was named one of the Top 200 Best Digital Artists in the World, chosen by a panel of 11 internationally renowned judges out of over 6,000 entries from 54 countries.

“It truly feels surreal,” said Kirat, “But it comes down to the confidence AV gave me in my abilities, skills and creativity.”

Alongside helping hone his skill and expertise in digital effects, the course also gave Kirat opportunities to meet and learn from industry professionals.

“We were essentially prepared for the studio environment,” he recalls.

“Visiting industry speakers and additional modules such as Moving Image Theory and Personal Inquiry created more room to branch out beyond the field of study and explore new things, not to mention the essential networking opportunities with speakers and recruiters at the BFX Festival.”

Kirat looks back fondly on his time in Bournemouth and is proud to call himself a AV graduate.

“Studying at one of the best institutions and having the privilege of being taught by the educators behind some of the best artists in the industry – including Oscar-winners – is overwhelming. There is nothing more a student can ask for.”