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Gordon Binek, BSC Foundation executive director and BSC Foundation scholarship recipient Kendrick Eagle thanks donors and shares plans to
vice president for college advancement, welcomed guests use his education to make a difference on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.
to the President’s Club dinner in October. The annual
event honored individuals, businesses and organizations Rock Reservation, and finishing his education is vital to his
that contributed to the foundation, including 35 success. Without his foundation scholarship, he would not
employees of the college. have been able to continue his education and would have
been forced to drop out.
Total foundation grants and scholarships supporting BSC
the past 37 years exceed $15 million.
BSC President Larry C. Skogen presented awards for
cumulative donations to the foundation with Binek and
BSC Foundation Board President Paul Bakkum.
BSC Foundation scholarship recipient, Kendrick Eagle, The BSC Jazz Combo class provided entertainment under
shared with the audience the impact his scholarship has the direction of Dr. John Darling. BSC Food Services
had on his educational goals and successes. Eagle’s prepared the meal, which was served by members of the
long-term goal is to make a difference on the Standing Energy Club and Phi Beta Lambda.
VISIONARY $2,500,000–$4,999,999 DIAMOND AWARD SAPPHIRE AWARD $25,000–$49,999
Basin Electric Power Cooperative $100,000 –$249,999 Zachery and Jaclyn Allen
BNI Coal, Ltd. Gordon and Paula Binek
LIFETIME LEADER Bobcat Company/Doosan Dr. Wayne and Ellen Boekes
$1,000,000–$2,499,999 U.S. Bank Jim Christianson
Anonymous Chad and Stacy Wachter Joseph and Jaclyn Hall
Lance and Gail Wachter Halliburton
LEGACY SOCIETY Niles and Ginger Hushka
The Legacy Society honors donors RUBY AWARD $50,000–$99,999 iHeartMedia
who have included the Bismarck AE2S I. Keating Furniture World
State College Foundation in their Kathleen Dobovsky Jay Larshus
estate planning. Bryan and Cynthia Dvirnak Jeff and Cathy Larshus
Marv and Lois Erdmann Leonard and Doris Larshus Memorial
Brad and Claudia Ballweber Gateway HealthMart Pharmacy
Rose Marie Henke Hess Corporation Scholarship Fund
Jon and Sommer Hunke Etheleen Hoovestol John M. Laschkewitsch and Family
Anton P. Welder Loren Kopseng Susanne Delaney Mattheis
John R. Sakariassen
BENEFACTOR $500,000–$999,999 Steve and Janet Schwan Charitable Fund
Bismarck Industries, Inc. Larry C. Skogen Greg and Lynette Painter
Robert and DeLayne Brown Jason and Dr. Nigeria Stahl Kenneth and Patricia Paulus
MDU Resources Foundation Cedric and Mary Theel Evey Russell
Karen Silbernagel
FOUNDER $250,000-$499,999 Robert and Karla Theis
Gate City Bank
Tom and Mary Probst 3