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The ĂŰĚŇAV Foundation Ken Paulus – Professor of Welding and
honored 84 employees for their years Industry Welding Trainer for CETI. A
of service during the college’s department chair for 18 years, Paulus now
Employee Recognition Dinner at the manages two mobile welding labs and teaches
Ramkota Hotel. for the Mechanical Maintenance program. He
received the Faculty Excellence Award twice
BSC Foundation Executive Director MARV MUTZENBERGER and the BSC President’s Special Achievement
Gordon Binek spoke about the Award in 1988.
foundation’s year and introduced the
award recipients. Other speakers were 30 YEARS
Paul Bakkum, BSC Foundation Board of Carol Cashman – Associate Professor of
Trustees president, and BSC President Speech. Besides teaching, Cashman has been
Larry C. Skogen, who presented the heavily involved in BSC governance, faculty
Foundation’s monetary gifts. development, and as a community volunteer.
A member of the All-Campus Senate,
45 YEARS KEN PAULUS she chaired the state Two-Year College
Yvonne Peters – Computer science Consortium, which developed the Great
lecturer. A full-time instructor for 40 Teachers Seminar.
years, Peters taught keyboarding,
database, word processing and Intro Angela Uhlich – Director of Medical
to Computers in the Business and Laboratory Technician and Phlebotomy
Computer Support Specialist programs. Technician programs. Teaching since 1978,
She now teaches Intro to Computers Uhlich was Medical Arts and Emergency
online. Recipient of the 1996 Faculty Services Department chair for eight years
Achievement Award, Peters was (2006-14). She has chaired BSC’s Medical
active in BSC governance and advised Laboratory and Phlebotomy Advisory
students in Phi Beta Lambda. Committee since 1985.
Marv Mutzenberger – Associate Dave Clark, executive vice president;
Professor of Sociology. Mutzenberger Debbie Mantz, assistant professor of
teaches all Religion courses and has computer science and CETI trainer;
given more than 100 invocations and Byron Paul, associate professor of electronics/
benedictions at BSC events. He was telecommunications technology;
BSC baseball and cross country coach Joseph Vuolo, associate professor
in the 1980s and announced basketball of accounting.
games for 20 years.
ANGELA ULICH Joe Ellefson, associate professor of criminal
justice and Criminal Justice program
coordinator; Donna Fishbeck, associate vice
president for student affairs; Jamie Gable,
custodian; Lori Heinsohn, CETI outreach
manager; Earl Torgerson, associate professor
of carpentry.