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15 YEARS coordinator; Kyren Miller, NECE program manager;
Tamara Barber, associate vice president for finances Mary Morrell, NECE grants coordinator; Brent Reems,
and operations; Karen Bauer, assistant professor of associate professor of chemistry and Physical and
journalism/Mystician advisor; Jean Berger, custodian Biological Sciences Department chair; Patrick Schnobrich,
supervisor; Dawn Hagerott, associate professor of music; electrical transmission systems technology lecturer;
JoDe Knutson-Person, associate professor of chemistry; Deb Shipman, associate professor of microbiology;
Daniel Leingang, dean of academic affairs; Sue Lippert, Craig Wilhelm, energy technology programs lecturer;
admininstrative assistant to provost and VP academic Becky Ziegler, physical education lecturer.
affairs; Carolyn Martinetti, CETI database technician;
Laura Novak, English lecturer; Trudy Riehl, program 5 YEARS
director and associate professor of surgical technology; Scott Agnew, energy technology lecturer;
Michelle Schatz, client server specialist; Daniel Schmidt, Heidi Ahl-Quanbeck, sociology lecturer; Dusty Anderson,
NECE program manager; Jane Schreck, professor of production coordinator; Paul Brown, agriculture,
English; Sean Thorenson, associate professor of graphic technology and natural resources lecturer; Amy Brown,
design and communications; Connie Wagner, computer administrative assistant for College Advancement;
information systems lecturer; Shirley Wilson, associate Kevin Cavanagh, assistant professor of management;
professor of accounting. Katrina Eberhart, assistant professor of mathematics;
Marie Eggert, admissions assistant; Lance Geving,
10 YEARS NECE digital media developer and application specialist;
Jim Alt, electric power technology lecturer; Kelli Hoffman, day food service worker; Kelly Huwe,
Brenda Austin, custodian; Kendal Busch, assistant electronics lecturer; Randy Johnson, mathematics
professor electronics/ telecommunications technology; lecturer; Gordon Kelly, electric transmission systems
Jesse Carman, instructional technology coordinator; technology lecturer; Michelle Kraft, instructional
Walter Cintron, electrical transmission systems graphic designer and developer; Jerome Kramer,
technology lecturer; John Custer, nuclear power energy management lecturer; Dennis Kuntz, grounds
technology lecturer; Joan Eckroth-Riley, music lecturer; maintenance worker; Michael Luger, faculty and campus
Laura Emmil, electric power technology lecturer; information center assistant; Everaldo Martinez-Flores,
Howell Flowers, assistant professor, NECE; Matt Frohlich, music lecturer; Andrew Miller, assistant professor of
associate professor computer information systems; music; Reynold Miller, assistant professor, NECE;
Nancy Gordon, counselor; Daniel Gunderson, electric Daymon Mills, laboratory coordinator, agriculture,
power technology lecturer; Stephen Huebschwerlen, technology and natural resources; Mike Myers, assistant
human services lecturer; Greg Hutzenbiler, associate professor, NECE; Ronald Peterson, mathematics
professor of electrical lineworker; Clancy Keller, CETI lecturer; Mark Steele, assistant professor of engineering
customer relations assistant; Joshua Kern, associate technology and graphic information systems;
professor of English; Craig Kleven, associate professor of Vanessa Taylor, assistant professor of surgical technology;
agriculture, technology and natural resources; Dan Veverka, evening cook; Nita Wirtz, assistant
Melinda Landis, NECE advisor; Gregory Lauinger, energy professor of psychology.
technology programs lecturer; Suzie McShane, associate
professor of nursing and BSC Dakota Nursing Program