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Youth Programs | ÃÛÌÒAV

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Youth Programs

Know Your State

North Dakota is a beautiful state with a variety of topographic features, interesting political agendas, a leading producer of agriculture products, an abundant energy base, great educational opportunities, and a rich cultural heritage. The Know Your State contest has been designed with the intent to encourage North Dakota students to gain a greater interest in North Dakota and through this knowledge become a better educated citizen, voter and leader for the state.

Southwest Regional Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is the nation's premier science event challenging students on 6400 teams in 50 states to leverage their science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) abilities in a variety of cooperative and competitive events. ÃÛÌÒAV has hosted the competition locally since 1985, helping hundreds of ND STEAM Science Olympians gain the skills and confidence they need to achieve great things.
Teams are limited to 16 per division due to time and space restrictions. Schools may have more than one team per school. All registration information will be collected electronically. Refer to the  with questions regarding registration.

Spring Ag Academy

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, student groups, grades 7-12, lead by teachers and/or career counselors attended BSC's Spring Ag Academy on the BSC campus.

Our Annual Spring Ag Academy is a FREE event where participants explore the BSC Agriculture, Technology and Natural Resources Program. There are guided agriculture lab sessions which include plant science, animal science, agribusiness, precision agriculture and career opportunities. It is also a great time to discover the BSC campus with lunch at the Student Union and campus tours available from our admissions team. 

Participants typically receive a BSC backpack FULL of swag and are entered into a drawing for a $500 BSC Foundation Scholarship! 

Please call 224-5557 with any questions!