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Parents & Families | ÃÛÌÒAV

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Parents & Families

Welcome to the ÃÛÌÒAV family! We are so pleased your student has chosen BSC.

As a support to your students, we want you just as involved with the BSC campus. Throughout the year we have athletics events, plays, concerts, art showings, and many other events that are open to the public. The Mystic Marketplace Dining Center is open to the public to enjoy a meal with your student and experience BSC's beautiful campus.

Art Galleries

Theatre Events
Music Events
General Campus Events

While this is an exciting time for you and your student, it also can be a stressful time. College is much different than high school and can be an added challenge to those working or caring for dependents. Your student will have more responsibility than they've ever had before. BSC offers a number of resources to support your student as they learn how to manage their time, their academics and their lives.
  • Parent FAQ (scroll down): Get answers to the most frequently asked questions from parents. 
  • Discover BSC (below): Learn about the tools and resources designed for your student's success.   
  • Visit the Calendar Dates and Deadlines page to help your student stay organized and plan ahead.
  • Student Policies and Library Policies: The rights, responsibilities and privileges enjoyed by the students, faculty and staff are outlined in these policies. 
Mystic Advising & Counseling Center (MACC)
BSC Student Union (lower level)
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Discover BSC

Learn more about the services and resources available on campus.

Frequently Asked Questions

When someone has received notification of acceptance to BSC, what happens next?
Accepted students will receive a registration communication from the Academic Records Office.  The communication will contain information about preparing for registration including setting up a new student registration appointment. Communications will be sent to accepted students starting in March for the fall semester and October for the Spring semester.
My student was not accepted into their program of choice. Is there another option?
When a student does not meet the required scores for a specific program or course, they can take the ACCUPLACER Placement exam to improve on their placement scores. The ACCUPLACER placement exam provides students with information about their academic skills. Scores are screened for proper placement in English (Writing), Math, and Reading. With no time limit, typically students spend 1 1/2 - 2 hours to complete the full exam. Though the placement exam is computerized, computer skills are not necessary. Visit Testing Services for more information or to schedule an appointment.
What is the role of an academic advisor and do all BSC students have one?
Each BSC student is assigned an academic advisor based on their program of study. This advisor may be faculty or a professional advisor. Students can find their advisor's name and contact information in CampusConnection.
Why should a student see an academic advisor?
A relationship with an academic advisor provides students with an educational plan that fits life goals and objectives. Most of all, an advisor helps students select appropriate courses for the degree selected. Any changes to a schedule or questions about a course or program are reasons to connect with an advisor.
What should students bring to an advising appointment?
Students should bring a list of courses they would like to enroll in as well as a list of questions or topics they would like to discuss with their advisor. Advisors can answer questions related to student success support services and questions relating to your career of interested.
How do students know which courses to take?
The provides information regarding all BSC degree plans. Students can schedule an appointment with their academic advisor to review degree plans and develop a completion plan. Students can find the name of their advisor in Campus Connection.

If a student doesn't know what they want to do, is there someone who can help?
Yes. Advising and Career Services offers guidance for students who are uncertain about their academic goals. The Mystic Advising and Counseling Center (MACC) is located in the lower level of the Student Union. A variety of assessment tests and occupational information are available for students to begin early career planning.
What is a typical student course load?
To be considered a full-time student, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits per semester. However, an average course load for a full-time student is usually 14-16 credits per semester. Students with external responsibilities (ie: work, family, etc.) or students who experience academic challenges may consider a reduced course load. Part-time enrollment status can impact financial aid status. A student should expect to spend at least 40 hours a week for class time and studying when taking 15 credits per semester.
Should students work while in college?
Much depends on the student's credit load, financial need, involvement in extracurricular activities and family responsibilities. Being a full-time student is the equivalent of working full-time. Time management and balancing responsibilities is something to discuss with an academic advisor. Students have various on-campus employment opportunities.
What financial aid is available for BSC students?
The Financial Aid office assists students in preparing a budget and securing funding for their educational expenses. Financial Aid and Scholarship information is available in the Financial Aid office located in Schafer Hall.
How do students apply for financial aid?
The student will need to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at . Both parent and student will need to create a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID on the FAFSA website. When completing the FAFSA form we recommend for the student and parent to utilize the IRS Data Retrieval Tool that is available on the income part of the FAFSA. ÃÛÌÒAV's School Code is 002988. Visit step by step instructions to applying for financial aid.
How does a BSC student find and print their class schedule?
Students have access to all their academic records information through .  Click here for CampusConnection help sheets.
How and where do students get a Mystic Card (Student ID)?
Mystic Cards are printed at the Information Desk in the Student Union between 8 am and 4 pm Monday-Friday. Students will need to bring their EMPL ID number (same as the student ID number) as well as their class schedule from CampusConnection (proof that you are enrolled in BSC courses for the current semester) and photo ID. The first ID card is free, but $10 is charged for replacement of a lost or stolen card. For further information, visit the .
If a student wants to withdraw from a class or totally withdraw from BSC, what needs to be done?
If a student has decided not to attend ÃÛÌÒAV, it is the student's responsibility to withdraw from a class or withdraw to zero credits prior to the deadline. For more information visit Withdraw to Zero Credits and the Dates and Deadline Schedule.
How can I track my student's academic progress?
We encourage a student’s support group to talk with them about their academic progress.
However, for student records purposes, the college assumes that all students are independent. Students who would like to release educational records to a 3rd party must complete the FERPA Release Form or delegate access within CampusConnection. The completed form must be submitted to the Academic Records office for processing. The release remains in effect until the student revokes such consent in writing.  However, faculty and staff are still limited in the amount of information they can share with you.
How and when do students purchase textbooks?
Students can view which textbooks are needed for each course by searching CampusConnection. The Academic Calendar will list the first date, per term, when students can begin to view the list.

Students can access this list, and check various sources for pricing information prior to purchasing the books at the BSC Bookstore on the second floor of the Student Union or . Some textbooks are available for rental through the BSC Bookstore or they can be charged to excess financial aid or third parties usually starting the Thursday before classes begin.

Students MUST have a student ID and class schedule in order to purchase textbooks at the BSC Bookstore.

How do students keep track of their academic progress throughout the semester?
It is the responsibility of all students to remain in contact with their instructors regarding progress in enrolled courses. Only final grades are posted in .
Is there guidance for undecided students?
Many first-year students are not sure about a major. Career Counseling Services in the MACC offer assistance to help BSC students make informed decisions about career and educational goals.
If struggling with coursework, where can students seek help?
Tutoring services are available on a walk-in basis in the Sykes Student Success Center/Tutoring Room located in Jack Science Center room 022. The room is in the section of the building that connects the 3rd floor of Jack Science Center to the Leach Music Center. There is also an outside entrance from the sidewalk between the Jack Science Center and Schafer Hall. 
If a student had an IEP in high school, what services are available at BSC?
A student who has been on an IEP or 504 Plan in high school, should contact the Student Accessibility Office (701-224-2496) for accommodation services that may be available. An individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan, if you have one, may help identify services that have been effective for you. However, this is generally not sufficient documentation because of the differences between postsecondary education and high school education. Additional information is available on our accessibility page.