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Summer Sessions | ÃÛÌÒAV

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Summer Sessions

Federal financial aid is available for summer semester if you are enrolled at least half-time and have remaining aid that was NOT used during the current fall and spring semesters. The summer semester is the final term in the current academic year. Therefore, if you have completed the  for fall and spring, it also includes the summer.

The summer term follows the same enrollment guidelines as fall and spring.
  • 12+ credits is fulltime
  • 9-11 credits is three quarter time
  • 6-8 is half-time
  • 1-5 is less than half-time status (not eligible for federal loans)
Summer financial aid awards are based on the number of credits students are enrolled in for the Summer Session. If a student's enrollment status changes, it could affect financial aid eligibility and/or delay the receipt of financial aid funds.

Students must be in compliance with BSC's  policy at the end of Spring semester to receive financial aid for Summer session. 

Please note: Summer session may begin before Spring Satisfactory progress evaluations are complete. 

You will need to complete the Summer Aid Request to determine your summer eligibility.
**Financial Aid eligibility for Summer session will begin being reviewed mid-spring semester.

Complete Summer Aid Request 
  1. Login to
  2. Select BSC eForms
  3. Select Financial Aid
  4. Summer Financial Aid
  5. Read Summer Financial Aid Information
  6. Complete Form
  7. Click Submit
  8. Check your student email and watch Campus Connection for communications regarding your request