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Payment Plan Options | ÃÛÌÒAV

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Payment Plan Options

Agreeing to a monthly Payment Plan Option at BSC allows students a flexible option to pay their eligible charges.  Students who are approved to be on a Payment Plan and are current on their installments within a payment plan, will not incur late fees or student holds that prevent course registration.

Payment plan options are available to students each Fall, Spring, and Summer semester in which a student is enrolled. Eligible students will need to sign up for the payment plan each semester it is offered. Payment Plans do not carry over to a future term.  

What to know about Payment Plans at BSC

Eligible Charges:
  • Tuition
  • Fees (Mandatory student fees, course fees and class fees)
  • Residence hall room and board contract charges 
Ineligible Charges:
  • International Student Health Insurance
  • Resident Hall Fines
  • Library Fines
  • Returned Payments
  • Returned Payment Fees
  • Late Fees
  • Bookstore charges
If you have charges on your student account that are not eligible to be included in a Payment Plan, those charges will need to be paid separately upon their posted due date and would be eligible for late fees or holds should they not be paid by their due date.
What if I am receiving Financial Aid, Waivers, and/or Third-Party Assistance?
  • Any financial assistance will reduce the amount of your payment plan automatically.
  • Financial Aid can include student loans, grants, or scholarships. Students can view their accepted Financial Aid for the semester within their student Campus Connection account.
  • Waivers can be applied to tuition, fees, or resident hall costs.
  • Third-Party is an outside agency/business that submits payment or authorizes BSC to bill charges related to your student account. 
  • If you are expecting more financial aid, third-party assistance, and waivers than what your charges are, you will not need to apply for the Payment Plan.
Click the image below for more information and to sign up for a payment plan at BSC!