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Online Simulators

BSC has a series of comprehensive, full fidelity simulators to provide you and your future operators with the knowledge and familiarity needed to safely and efficiently manage energy facilities. These simulators allow students to perform complete startups, shutdowns, and numerous operational activities, as well as realistically replicate normal and abnormal events. These simulators can be accessed through a web-based simulator interface, allowing the use of the simulator over the Internet from anywhere in the world.
ADU (Atmospheric Distillation Unit) Simulator
ADU SimulatorThis simulator consists of a natural gas heated boiler to process crude oil though an atmospheric distillation unit to produce the products of naphtha, kerosene, gas/oil as well as a gas product though the overhead accumulator. The simulator will allow the student to regulate product into the ADU and maintain product quality output.
Combined Cycle Simulator
Combined Cycle SimulatorThis full fidelity simulator represents a combined-cycle plant, consisting of two gas turbine generators (GT), two Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG), and one steam turbine generator (ST). Each gas turbine generator (GT) exhausts into a HRSG to form two independent GT/HRSG trains. Steam generated by the hot GT exhaust gases flowing through each HRSG is routed to the unit's steam turbine generator (ST). The ST exhausts into a surface condenser, and the condensate from the condenser hotwell is returned to the HRSG's. An open loop circulating water system, complete with cooling towers, removes the heat from the condenser and rejects the heat to atmosphere.
DCS Fossil Simulator
DCS Fossil SimulatorThis simulator represents a 600 MW coal fired electrical power plant. The control interface uses Ovation DCS control interface. The furnace/boiler consists of a tangential forced circulation boiler with four CE/ABB pulverizers and #2 diesel oil guns. The water system consists of 2 high pressure feedwater heaters, deaerator, and 1 low pressure feedwater heaters with a steam driven and electric startup boiler feed pump. The condensate system consists of a hotwell and a condensate pump. This is a balance draft furnace with one force draft fan, one induced draft fan and one primary air fan with a regenerative air heater. The turbine/generator represents a General Electric system with full and partial arc control. The simulator also includes predesigned malfunctions.
Nuclear Simulator
Nuclear SimulatorThis full fidelity simulator is a Pressurized Light Water Reactor with two circulation loops, two vertical steam generators and four reactor coolant transfer pumps. The Reactor total thermal power is 3983 MW and the turbine electric power is 1400 MW. Turbine rotation speed is 3000 rpm. The steam generators supply steam to the turbine, which consists of high pressure turbine and three low pressure turbine cylinders. Condensate is pumped from three condensers by the condensate pumps through low pressure heaters to the suction of 2 turbine driven feedwater pumps. The feedwater pumps provide necessary feed flow to the steam generators through high pressure heaters. Four moister separator reheaters separate moisture from high pressure turbine exhaust steam, reheat it in two stage reheaters, and direct steam to the low pressure turbines.
PLG (Power Grid Lab) Electrical Simulator
PLG Electrical SimulatorThis simulator consists of two hydroelectric power generation stations, a transmission system and a distribution system with electrical loads. One of the hydro plants operates at 90 RPMs and the other at 180 RPMs. The controls replicate both hardpanel switches and analog as well as digital indication. Each hydroelectric power generation station has all the controls required for a complete startup and shutdown, as well as for synchronizing two generators together. The power grid system represents a typical switchyard and how to route power though a transmission system as well as a distribution system.
Soft Panel Fossil Simulator
Soft Panel Fossil SimulatorThis simulator represents a 600 MW coal fired electrical power plant. The control interface is an analog control interface. The furnace/boiler consists of a tangential forced circulation boiler with four CE/ABB pulverizers and #2 diesel oil guns. The water system consist of 2 high pressure feedwater heaters, deaerator and 1 low pressure feedwater heaters with a steam driven and electric startup boiler feed pump. The condensate system consist of a hotwell and a condensate pump. This is a balance draft furnace with one force draft fan, one induced draft fan and one primary air fan with a regenerative air heater. The turbine/generator represents a General Electric system with full and partial arc control. The simulator also includes predesigned malfunctions.
Contact BSC.Energy@bismarckstate.edu or call 701-224-5651 or 800-852-5685 to schedule a demonstration of these simulators and discuss pricing options.