Page 11 - ASC-004-0515-Student-Handbook-8.5X11
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Wenck Associates, Mandan, N.D., the staff of Alliance Real Estate,
as a civil technician assisting Bismarck, N.D. VOLLEYBALL
the Real Estate & Development The BSC volleyball team had an
Group with his primary focus on WENDI JOHNSTON, 鈥�12, was outstanding season. They finished as
CAD support, field survey and appointed to the North Dakota co-Mon-Dak Conference champions with a
inspection work. Board of Nursing by Gov. Jack record of 7-1. Their overall season record
Dalrymple. Johnston is a licensed was 27-8. BSC coach Jeni Walsh was named
KATIE HORNER, 鈥�06, a family practical nurse with Dakota Mon-Dak Conference Coach of the Year
nurse practitioner, has opened Travel Nurse. and sophomore outside hitter Chai Pappa
Medical Weight Loss Specialists in was selected as Mon-Dak Conference
Bismarck, N.D. EMILY BOSH, 鈥�13, has been and National Junior College Athletic
promoted to electronic payment Association (NJCAA) Region XIII MVP.
REBECCA JOCHIM, 鈥�07, and specialist at Capital Credit Union, Sophomore middle hitter Addie Eamon was
MEGAN HEATON, 鈥�13, have Bismarck, N.D. recognized as Mon-Dak All-Conference and
joined Linton Medical Center, All-Region XIII, and freshman outside hitter
Linton, N.D. Heaton is the MICHAEL DAUTERMAN, 鈥�13, Lachelle Bumgarner as All-Region XIII.
receptionist and Jochim is a family graduated with a bachelor鈥檚
nurse practitioner. degree in mechanical engineering
from North Carolina State
AMY WEIAND, 鈥�07, has joined University and recently was hired
the North Dakota Office of Tax as an engineer at Arcelormittal
Commissioner as a mailroom/ Steel Company in Indiana.
office assistant.
DANIEL DECK, 鈥�13, has been
STEPHANIE RAUSCH, 鈥�10, is an hired as the agricultural education
English teacher at Wing High assistant at Harvey School,
School, Wing, N.D. Harvey, N.D.
Thrivent Financial as a financial Odney Advertising as a graphic The men鈥檚 soccer team finished the season
representative with its Northland designer in Bismarck, N.D. 4-7 overall and sophomore goalkeeper
Regional Financial office in Gage Wolt was selected All-Region XIII.
Bismarck, N.D. KIFFIN HOWARD, 鈥�13, joined Eide
Bailly, LLP, in Bismarck, N.D., as a MEN鈥橲 AND WOMEN鈥橲 GOLF
TAYLOR KURTZ, 鈥�11, joined KK tax administrative assistant. Freshman Connor Hellman was selected
BOLD in Bismarck, N.D., as All-Region XIII and qualified for the
assistant production manager KORI MARIE KAELBERER, 鈥�13, is National Golf Tournament in June 2016.
and graphic designer. a fourth grade teacher at Hazen
School in Hazen, N.D. Freshman Aimee Kittilson was named
BRITTANY MILLER, 鈥�11, has been All-Region XIII and qualified for the
hired as a receptionist at Dakota ALYSSA MEIER, 鈥�13, joined National Golf Tournament in May 2016.
Eye Institute, Bismarck, N.D. the Washburn Leader-News, BSC Coach Michael Herzog was named
Washburn, N.D., as editor. NJCAA Region XIII Coach of the Year.
KACIE BEATTIE, 鈥�12, has been
promoted to operations specialist ELLIE SCHMIT, 鈥�13, is the owner
II at the Starion Financial branch of Rustic Roots, a new flower and
in Mandan, N.D. gift shop in LaMoure, N.D.