Page 9 - ASC-004-0515-Student-Handbook-8.5X11
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IN MEMORY/HONOR OF Mary Morris Laschkewitsch Dr. Lee and Jolene Podoll
GIVEN BY John “Jack” Laschkewitsch and Cyril and Margaret Puetz
Children Dr. Henry and Mabel Reichert
Irene Borchert Karey Schaff-Eisenbarth
Bismarck-Mandan Retired Teachers Laurel McDaniel Judge William and Joan Severin
Association BSC Employees Larry C. Skogen
Rudy and Leann Steidl
Lois Callies Henry and Agnes Miller Tim and Tamara Uselman
Bismarck-Mandan Retired Teachers Everett and Beverly Miller Dr. Richard and Joan Werstler
Association Martin and Sheila White
LeRoy M. Nayes
Martha Carlson Ella Nayes Aldeen Paris Welsh Taylor
Bismarck-Mandan Retired Teachers Stephen Welsh
Association Marcia Olson
Sonna Anderson Florence Porsborg
Dean Gunsch Kirsten Baesler Bismarck-Mandan Retired Teachers
Jacquelyn Hagel Joyce Borgelt Association
Kevin and Melinda Kiemele Karen Bracht Ohlhauser
Ryan Dodge of Bismarck Nancy Brandvik Donald L. Russell
Bill and Dina Butcher Evey Russell
Steven Harris Michael and Shawn Deisz
Wayne Harris Mary and George Dinyer Herman Schafer
Leland and Valerie Fischer Bismarck-Mandan Retired Teachers
Sarah Ann Haugen Franny Inc. Association
Dr. Gordon and Jackie Leingang Dr. Kevin and Ann Gilchrist
Gary and Fran Gronberg Joanne Schwappach
Rose Marie Jonson Robert and Cherie Harms Don and Lynne Bigwood
Bismarck-Mandan Retired Teachers Dr. Mark Hart
Association Kim and Juanita Hocking Lee Selland
Richard and Connie Johnsen Bismarck-Mandan Retired Teachers
Norman Kamins Dan and Mary Kuntz Association
Western Steel and Plumbing Ellen and Paul Laubscher
Julie Leer Adrian and Ardeth Taylor
Ed Kringstad LIW, Inc. Kathleen Dobovsky
Cathy Janikowski Elizabeth Lucas
Faye Kringstad Steve and Gayle Lund Marian Uhlich
Bruce and Lisa Murry BSC Employees
Anton Landeis Thomas and Jeanne Myers
BSC Employees Anna Ness Jeanette Veverka
Leif and Valerie Peterson BSC Employees
Peter and Marcella Lang
Donald Lang Ron Yerkey
BSC Employees
Leonard and Doris Larshus
Jay Larshus
Terry Kraft was elected to the BSC Foundation Board of Trustees at the November
board meeting.
Kraft is president of Terry J. Kraft Agency, Inc. representing American Family Insurance.
Active in the community, Kraft serves on the National Association of Insurance and Financial
Advisors and is a member and past chair of the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce.
He is also a board member and past chair of the Missouri Valley Slope Area Wide United
Way, a member of the Mandan Kiwanis and a Christ the King Catholic Church trustee.