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DENNIS MEYER, ’58, has been named ROBERT FODE, ’81, was promoted JULIE ELLINGSON, ’93, was
the North Dakota state director/ to the rank of brigadier general, recognized for 20 years of service
coordinator for the SCORE chapters becoming one of only five general with the North Dakota Stockman’s
in Bismarck-Mandan, Minot, Grand officers within the ranks of the North Association (NDSA), beginning in
Forks and Fargo. He is the immediate Dakota National Guard. 1995 as communications director and
past chairman of the Bismarck-Mandan editor of the North Dakota Stockman.
chapter of the Service Corps of KARIN HASKELL, ’84, received Ellingson is now the NDSA executive
Retired Executives. the certified residential specialist vice president.
designation from the Council of
RICHARD “DIGGER” KOHLER, Residential Specialists, an affiliate of AMANDA REED, ’96, is an accounting
’65, accepted an award in the the National Association of Realtors. specialist at KLJ Solutions,
“Experimental Film” category at the Bismarck, N.D.
2015 People’s Film Festival in Harlem, REV. RANDY UPGREN, ’87, wrote and
N.Y., for his drama, “An Interview published his first book, “The End is TIFFANY KRAMER-RICHARD, ’99, is
with Martin Light.” Kohler also the Beginning: Betting Your Life on director of clinic health information
recently screened his trilogy of blues the Ultimate Second Chance.” Upgren management at CHI St. Alexius Health,
documentaries at Intermedia Arts in is the lead pastor of preaching and Bismarck, N.D.
Minneapolis, Minn. teaching at Charity Lutheran Church,
Bismarck, N.D. The book is available CHRIS RAY FILIBECK, ’02, has
GARRY REDMANN, ’69, former BSC locally and online. been named a member of the 2015
photography instructor and now Executive Council of New York Life
retired from North Dakota Department DEBORAH SCHON, ’88, joined Insurance Company. Members of the
of Transportation, took the photo of Lutheran Social Services Abound Executive Council are among the most
the buffalo used for the new North Counseling in Bismarck, N.D., as a successful of New York Life’s elite sales
Dakota vehicle license plates. licensed psychologist. force of 12,000 licensed agents.
WILLIAM (BILL) KNUDSON, ’75, MICHELLE MAIER, ’91, a family nurse JOSHUA WOLFF, ’02 AND ’06, is a
retired from Basin Electric Power practitioner, is the owner of Embrace laborer at Basin Electric Antelope
Cooperative, Bismarck, N.D. Wellness in Bismarck, N.D. Valley Station in Beulah, N.D.
CELESTE LILLY, ’79, received the PAM GANGE, ’92, joined Gate City DELRAE BAUMGARTNER ’04, and
National Association of Disability Bank in Mandan, N.D., as a senior AMBER WOLF ’06, joined Emmons
Examiners (NADE) 2015 Examiner mortgage loan officer. County Public Health in Linton, N.D.,
of the Year Award. Lilly works as registered nurses.
at the North Carolina Disability MELISSA GORDON, ’93, was
Determination Services in appointed by Gov. Jack Dalrymple to ROB MELAND, ’05, placed in the top
Raleigh, N.C. the North Dakota Council on the Arts two-thirds of participants in the Iron
Board of Directors. Man Triathlon in Madison, Wis. Meland
DEBORAH RYCKMAN, ’79, joined is a BSC assistant professor of
Ameriprise Financial Services, military science.
Bismarck, N.D., as a paraplanner.