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BSC student nurses to hold Kids Scrub Camp April 18 | ÃÛÌÒAV

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BSC student nurses to hold Kids Scrub Camp April 18

Published: Feb 25 2022
BSC student nurses to hold Kids Scrub Camp April 18 - Photo
The Student Nurse Organization at ÃÛÌÒAV is holding a Scrub Camp for children ages 7 to 13 on Monday, April 18, at the BSC Health Sciences Building, 1133 College Drive, Bismarck.

At BSC Scrub Camp, children ages 7-13 participate in nursing activities and games, learn about the body, listen to the heart and lungs, check blood pressure and care for wounds. This event, hosted by BSC nursing students, includes lunch, a free scrub top, stethoscope and other fun supplies.
The one-day camp runs 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and includes lunch.

Cost is $50 per child. To register visit bismarckstate.edu/scrubcamp. Questions can be emailed to andrea.l.paulson@bismarckstate.edu.