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Meal Plans | ÃÛÌÒAV

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Meal Plans

Meal Plans

ÃÛÌÒAV Food Services proudly offers various meal plans to suit your needs. You are able to use your meal plan how you want, when you want at the Mystic Marketplace and Mystic Java. If you have special dietary needs, please call or e-mail the Food Service Operations Supervisor, Chris Warner, to discuss what options may be available to you. Call 701-224-2420 or e-mail Bsc.foodservice@bismarckstate.edu.
On-Campus Meal Plans Fall/Spring

Lidstrom, Werner, Swensen and Mystic Hall Residents

Students living on campus in Lidstrom, Mystic, Swensen and Werner Halls must be on a full-time meal plan. Residents in these halls have two options for the fall and spring semesters:

Mystic Gold - $3,247.00

Mystic Standard - $2,225.00

Ritchie and Gate City Residents

Resident assistants and students living in the new apartment style residence halls of Ritchie or Gate City have the option to carry the above full-time Gold or Standard meal plan or the more basic Green or Light Plans.

Mystic Gold - see above

Mystic Standard - see above

Mystic Green - $1,353.00

Mystic Light - $777.00

Contract and Payments

Your meal plan academic year contract is submitted at the same time as your residence hall contract. The full semester payment is due to Student Finance at move-in for the first semester and upon return from semester break for the second semester. The academic year runs from the resident hall move-in day in the Fall semester through the last day on the academic calendar for the Spring semester.

Refunds and Fees

Each time you use your BSC Mystic Identification card (Student ID), the total points used is subtracted from the balance of your declining balance account. Unused dining points are non-refundable, so it is important to utilize all points by the last day of each semester designated on the academic calendar.

To Pay For Meals After Contract Usage Has Been Met

Students may load Mystic Dollars on their Student ID card (accepted at Mystic Marketplace, Mystic Java and the BSC Bookstore) or use cash, credit card or check card.

For more information contact Student Finance:

Off-Campus Meal Plan Fall/Spring

BSC offers an affordable and convenient meal plan for students living off-campus. This option allows you to take advantage of the wide variety of food, snacks and beverages found in the Mystic Marketplace and Mystic Java.

Mystic Off-Campus Meal Plan - $777.00

Application and Terms

  • The Off-Campus Meal Plan is an optional, non-refundable, declining balance meal plan available to BSC students who live off-campus. 
  • Students who choose to purchase the Off-Campus Meal Plan option are required to pay for the Meal Plan, or show they would have enough Financial Aid to cover the cost, prior to being able to use the meal plan.
  • Students can only sign up for one meal plan per semester and do need to complete a new application for each term (Fall or Spring).
  • Each time you use your card, the total dollars used are subtracted from the balance of your declining balance account. The declining balance meal plan may be used at the Mystic Marketplace and Mystic Java locations for consumable items. Students unable to eat during designated hours for meal service due to class and/or work schedules may utilize the Grab and Go section. No bulk or catering orders are allowed.
  • The BSC Mystic card is the encoded card for this plan. The student must use their Mystic card when using their Off-Campus Meal Plan. No purchases can be made without the Mystic card being present. Lost cards must be reported immediately to BSC Student Finance. A class schedule and picture identification must be presented for BSC Bookstore personnel to issue a new Mystic card.

Refunds and Cancellations

Any refunds are applied to your student account in Campus Connection and processed according to the Student Finance refunding process.  Prorated refunds of a student’s Off-Campus Meal Plan may occur per the following: 
  • Students who officially withdraw to 0 credits from BSC will be refunded based on the prorated calculation of the Institutional Charges schedule or the remaining balance of their Off-Campus meal plan if it is less than the prorated calculation of the declining meal plan.
  • If your contract is ended outside of the regular contract term due to a scheduled/documented internship credit will be provided based on the remaining unused dollars. Credits will be applied to your student account and refunded per student finance processes.
  • If a student exhausts all meal plan dollars before the end of the semester, a student may add Mystic Dollars to their Mystic card via the “” option on the ÃÛÌÒAV Website.

Meal Plan Application

  • Log in to
  • Select BSC eForms
  • Click Student Finance
  • Click Off Campus/Summer Meal Plan
  • Complete the Form
  • Click Submit
  • Check your student email and watch Campus Connection for communication regarding your application and additional steps

For more information contact Student Finance:

Summer Meal Plan

BSC offers a Mystic Summer Meal Plan option for students living on and off campus during the Summer semester. This option allows students to take advantage of the wide variety of foods, snacks and beverages found in the Mystic Marketplace, Sally Vending Machines and Mystic Java Coffee Shops.

Mystic Summer Meal Plan:  $300.00

Application and Terms

  • The Mystic Summer Meal Plan is an optional, non-refundable, declining balance meal plan available to BSC students who live on and off campus during the Summer semester. 
  • Students who choose to purchase the Mystic Summer Meal Plan option are required to pay for the meal plan or show they would have enough Financial Aid to cover the cost, prior to being able to use the meal plan.
  • Students can only sign up for one meal plan per semester.
  • Each time the student uses their Mystic ID card, the total dollars used is subtracted from the balance of their declining balance meal plan account. The declining balance meal plan may be used at the Mystic Marketplace, Sally Vending Machines and Mystic Java locations for consumable items. Students unable to eat during designated hours for meal services due to class and/or work schedules may utilize the Grab and Go section. No bulk or catering orders are allowed.
  • The BSC Mystic ID card is the encoded card for this plan. The student must use their Mystic ID card when using their Mystic Summer Meal Plan. No purchases can be made without the Mystic ID card being present. Lost cards must be reported immediately to the BSC Student Finance Office. A class schedule and picture identification must be presented for BSC Bookstore personnel to issue a new Mystic ID card.

Refunds and Cancellations

Any refunds are applied to the student’s account in Campus Connection and processed according to the Student Finance refunding process.  Prorated refunds of a student’s Mystic Summer Meal Plan may occur per the following: 
  • Students who officially withdraw to 0 credits from BSC will be refunded based on the prorated calculation of Institutional Charges schedule or the remaining balance of their Mystic Summer Meal Plan if it is less than the prorated calculation of the declining meal plan.
  • If the contract is ended outside of the regular contract term due to scheduled/documented internship a credit will be provided based on the remaining unused dollars. Credits will be applied to the student’s account and refunded per the Student Finance refunding processes.
  • If a student exhausts all meal plan dollars before the end of the semester, a student may add Mystic Dollars to their Mystic ID card via the “add money to your Mystic Card” option on the ÃÛÌÒAV Website.
The Application for Summer Mystic Off-Campus Meal Plan link is currently unavailable.

For more information, contact Student Finance:

Meal Plan Benefits & Guidelines
The BSC Mystic Standard plan is designed and priced to provide you with meals over the course of the entire semester when you average approximately 12 meals per week at an average of 12 dining points per meal.

Food for Every Mood

From the salad bar to the entrée of the day, from soup to a burger and fries from the grill you'll find a wide variety of delicious and nutritious food choices every day.

Grab and Go

In a hurry? Not feeling well? BSC offers two services to ensure that you have the food you need for days when sitting down to eat isn't an option.
  1. Grab and Go: You can grab a sandwich, yogurt, breakfast bar, veggies, chips and more, to eat anytime throughout your busy day.
  2. Daily meals to go: Stop in during regular Mystic Marketplace hours to get one or more of your meals for the day to go. Pack a cooler or take your meal(s) back to your room to eat later.

Track Your Balance

Take your receipt after each transaction to track your meal plan balance.

Treat a Friend or Family

Meal plan dollars are available for you to provide meals for friends or family in the Mystic Marketplace throughout the semester.

Mystic Java

Meal plan dollars are available in Mystic Java for your morning wake up or afternoon pick-me-up.


Items sold at the Mystic Marketplace and Mystic Java are not available in bulk.

Only you are able to purchase food and beverages with your meal plan. You may be asked for additional identification at the time of purchase. This is for your security, in the event your Mystic ID card is lost or stolen.

For more information about the BSC meal plans call 701-224-5452.

Thank you for letting us provide you with the food that fuels you.
For more information about the BSC meal plans, call 701-224-5452.